
Windows 7 Hyperterminal Serial Port

Serial port communication in Windows 7 using Hyper-terminal and Putty. I have a weigh bridge and i want to use transfer the weight to my computer screen through rs232 port but hyperterminal is not showing the weight, please help. I want to Transfer Files between the two PC’s running windows 7 64-bit using Serial Port. NOTE: If you just want to demo our serial displays, try our free Windows serial-sender. You type into the Hyperterminal window will be sent out the serial port.

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Windows 7 hyperterminal

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On Windows machines, I've always used HyperTerminal ( hypertrm.exe) to monitor serial ports. For my 32-bit Vista install, I copied over hypertrm.exe and hypertrm.dll from my old XP install and it worked just fine. I don't have a 64-bit Windows 7 install, so I can't check that it would work for you. So it might need XP compatibility mode or some other 32-bit mode to work.


Got it to work on Windows 7 32-bit. Also on that site is a list of more HyperTerminal replacements for Windows 7, though it focuses much more on the other communication protocols done by HyperTerminal. Several other HyperTerminal replacement ideas are listed.